Science Fiction Series starting with E

Ea Cycle 1 Zindell, David The lightstone -- 2001
Ea Cycle 2 Zindell, David The Lord of lies -- 2003
Ea Cycle 3 Zindell, David Black jade -- 2005
Earth Chronicles 1 Sitchin, Zecharia The 12th planet -- 1978
Earth Chronicles 2 Sitchin, Zecharia The stairway to heaven
Earth Chronicles 3 Sitchin, Zecharia The wars of gods and men -- 1995
Earth's children 1 Auel, Jean M. The clan of the cave bear -- 1990
Earth's children 2 Auel, Jean M. The valley of horses -- 1982
Earth's children 3 Auel, Jean M. The mammoth hunters -- 1985
Earth's children 4 Auel, Jean M. The plains of passage -- 1990
Earth's children 5 Auel, Jean M. The shelters of stone -- 2002
Earthsea Cycle 4 Le Guin, Ursula K. Tehanu : The last book of Earthsea
Earthsea Cycle
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Earthsea quartet
Eberron : the dreaming dark 1 Baker, Keith City of towers -- 2005
Eberron : the dreaming dark 2 Baker, Keith The shattered land -- 2005
Eldarn Sequence 1 Scott, Robert The hickory staff -- 2005
Eldarn Sequence 2 Scott, Robert Lessek's key -- 2006
Elemental masters 1 Lackey, Mercedes The fire rose (not held)
Elemental masters 2 Lackey, Mercedes The serpent's shadow -- 2001
Elemental masters 3 Lackey, Mercedes The gates of sleep -- 2002
Elemental masters 4 Lackey, Mercedes Phoenix and ashes -- 2004
Elemental masters 5 Lackey, Mercedes The wizard of London -- 2005
Elenium 1 Eddings, David The Diamond Throne -- 1990
Elenium 2 Eddings, David The ruby knight -- 1990
Elenium 3 Eddings, David Sapphire rose -- 1991
Elric saga 7 Moorcock, Michael Elric at the end of time
Elric saga 8 Moorcock, Michael The fortress of the pearl -- 1989
Elric saga 9 Moorcock, Michael The revenge of the rose -- 1991
Empire 2 Asimov, Isaac The stars like dust (aka.The rebellious stars) -- 1951
Empire Quartet 2 Sinclair, Andrew The strength of the hills -- 1992
Empire Trilogy 1 Feist, Raymond E. Daughter of the empire -- 1991
Empire Trilogy 2 Feist, Raymond E. Servant of the empire -- 1990
Empire Trilogy 3 Feist, Raymond E. Mistress of the empire -- 1992
Enchantment's edge 1 Williamson, Philip G. Enchantment's edge: the orb and the spectre-- 1996
Enchantment's edge 2 Williamson, Philip G. Enchantment's edge : Orbus's world -- 1996
Enchantment's edge 3 Williamson, Philip G. The soul of the orb -- 1998
Ender 1 Card, Orson Scott Ender's game -- 1994
Ender 2 Card, Orson Scott Speaker for the dead -- 1994
Ender 3 Card, Orson Scott Xenocide
Ender 4 Card, Orson Scott Children of the mind -- 1996
Ender 5 Card, Orson Scott Ender's shadow -- 1999
Ender 7 Card, Orson Scott Shadow puppets -- 2002
Ender 8 Card, Orson Scott Shadow of the giant -- 2005
Engineer Trilogy 1 Parker, K. J. Devices and desires -- 2005
Carey, Diane Enterprise : broken bow -- 2001
Dillard, J. M. Enterprise : Surak's soul -- 2003
Smith, Dean Wesley By the book -- 2002
Eschaton 1 Stross, Charles Singularity sky -- 2004
Eschaton 2 Stross, Charles Iron sunrise -- 2005
Evergence 1 Williams, Sean The prodigal sun -- 1999
Everien 1 Leith, Valery The company of glass -- 1999
Exiles 1 Rawn, Melanie The ruins of Ambrai -- 1995
Exiles 2 Rawn, Melanie The mageborn traitor -- 1997
Ezmereld Chronicles 1 Laurel, Tamarin Initiation at Beltane -- 2002

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