1. How do I access this resource?
You can access this from your home computer. Go to and click the ‘Consumer Health Complete’ link. When prompted, type your lake macquarie library card for FREE access.
2. Is it available from home?
3. Does it have much Australian content?
The medical information applies to all countries equally. There is a small portion which is produced in Australia.
4. Is there an advanced searching option?
Refine Your Search:
* By Source:
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There is a tutorial vieo at:
5. For whom would this resource be suitable?
Anyone seeking reliable medical information.
6. How is this resource unique?
This site draws on professional material which is authoritative.
7. What are similar or complementary resources?
Books: “Encyclopedia of family health”; “Complete home medical guide”
Online: MIMS online [Available from library branches only];
8. What would be sample questions that this resource could answer?
Q. What are the medicinal properties of Stinging Nettle
A. Located article in “Peterson Field Guide to Medicinal Plants & Herbs”
9. What does the search result list show?
Title of article; Source; Format
10. Rate this resource.
Consumer Health Complete has information from medical references and literature, as well as more general fact sheets and information on alternative health.
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