1. How do I access this resource?
You can access this from your home computer. Go to library.lakemac.com.au and click the ‘History and Reference Library’ link. When prompted, type your Lake Macquarie library card number for FREE access.
2. Is it available from home?
3. Does it have much Australian content?
There is a large portion related to Australian History topics.
4. Is there an advanced searching option?
Following a basic search, you have various options of content from which to choose.
5. For whom would this resource be suitable?
This online Library is designed for use by schools, parents, and seniors.
6. How is this resource unique?
It has a simple navigation system and includes a lot of Original Source Documents.
7. What are similar or complementary resources?
Books: “Bold experiment : a documentary history of Australian immigration since 1945”; “Select documents in Australian history, 1788-1850”
Online: National Library Guide ; State Library of NSW Guide 8. What would be sample questions that this resource could answer?
Q. Give examples of the use of mustard gas in World War I
A. Type ‘mustard gas’ into the Search Box. There are a few links to useful articles, writen in an easy to read style. It includes a first hand account.
9. What does the search result list show?
Article Title, a summary and links to related information.
10. Rate this resource.
This resources is an easy to navigate site aimed at historical students and researchers. It has general, but reliable information, as well as primary and secondary source material.