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Oxford Art Online - Help Sheet
Resource Name: OXFORD ART ONLINE (incl. Grove Art Online)
1. How do I access this resource?
You can access this from an internet computer at any Lake Macquarie City Library. You can phone ahead to book a computer. Ask the library staff for password access.
2. Is it available from home?
No. This is only available at the Library.
3. Does it have much Australian content?
Australian artists are included. You can search by country of artist.
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Yes. Click on ‘Advanced Search’ on the main page.
Choose searches from: Main; Image; Biography and Bibliography.
Limit searches by: Full article text; Entry title; Bibliographies; Contributors
Choose which resource:
* Grove Art Online -- Art and Art Forms; Geography; People; Styles and Cultures; or Time Periods
* The Oxford Companion to Western Art
* Encyclopedia of Aesthetics
* The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms
5. For whom would this resource be suitable?
Students and art researchers. Artists. Crafts people.
6. How is this resource unique?
It is authoritative, from scholars around the world in one place. Includes images and links to image collections.
7. What are similar or complementary resources?
Books: McCulloch's encyclopedia of Australian art; Britannica encyclopedia of art; The New York Times guide to the arts of the 20th century; The Book of Art
Online:; Harcourt's Guide to Researching Art History Using the Internet
8. What would be sample questions that this resource could answer?
Q. At what internet site might I find a lot of images by Sydney Nolan?
A. 1) Search “Sidney Nolan” in Advanced Images Search; 2) Choose images at external sites.
There is a link to the Tate Collection with 135 works included.
9. What does the search result list show?
The Title of the article and type of entry, with a snippet of text, and the source. You can refine results by type of entry and content.
10. Rate this resource.
This is a high quality site with very reliable and authoritative information about art and artists. It has references to other books, articles and online sources. Recommended for researching art topics in depth.
Thomas Keneally

Rare Schindler's list on display in Sydney
A list of names compiled by German industrialist Oskar Schindler in the final days of World War II is now on display at the New South Wales State Library.
The list has 801 names, ages, nationalities and other details of Jews who Schindler saved from Nazi death camps.
The list, one of a number of lists that Schindler wrote, was hurriedly typed out on 18 April 1945 in the closing days of World War II.
The 13-pages of yellowed paper lay buried for years in a bundle of documents used by New South Wales author Thomas Keneally to write his 1982 Booker Prize-winning Schindler's Ark, which inspired the Oscar-winning movie Schindler's List.
Mr Keneally got the list almost 30 years ago in a shop in Los Angeles, from one of the people whom Schindler helped - Leopold Pfefferberg, Jewish worker 173 on the list.
The author sold his collection of documents and notes to a manuscript dealer, and the library bought the Keneally papers 12 years ago.
State Library historian Olwen Pryke says neither she nor the manuscript dealer knew the copy of the list was hidden amongst Keneally's notes.
None of the originals is still in existence and the Sydney list, on display in the library, is one of only a handful of carbon copies around the world.
Dr Pryke describes the list as one of the most powerful documents of the 20th century.
Thomas Keneally novels at Lake Macquarie Library
Angel in Australia (aka. Office of innocence)
Bettany's book
Blood red, sister Rose
Bring larks and heroes
By the line
Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith
Dutiful daughter
Family madness
Flying hero class
Gossip from the forest
Office of innocence (aka. An angel in Australia)
River town
Schindler's ark (aka. Schindler's list)
Three cheers for the Paraclete
Tyrant's novel
Victim of the aurora
Widow and her hero
Woman of the inner sea
A World of Fairies
Come see our magical display...
Complete idiot's guide to elves and fairies by Sirona Knight.
Dragons, little people, witches, fairies, trolls and elves
Elves & fairies
Fairies : celebrations from season to season
Fairy magic
Great encyclopedia of faeries
Imps, demons, hobgoblins, witches, fairies & elves
Lady Cottington's pressed fairy book
Magicians and fairies
Practical guide to faeries by Susan J. Morris
Secret world of the flower fairies
Working with angels, fairies & nature spirits by William Bloom.