TOP DVDs new to Lake Macquarie Library this month
"We first met Martin Shaw's solemn Inspector Gently in a one-off episode last year, when he arrived in Northumberland after the murder of his wife, tracking down the gang boss who killed her. His familiar Judge John Deed voice replaced by the soft rumble of an approaching goods train, Shaw decided that Northumberland might offer a more peaceful life. ... With a quiet, determined manner, he ploughed a furrow through a case full of false names, false leads, false starts, framings and lies; helped (and occasionally hindered) by his long-limbed young sergeant, John Bacchus - a lad with flashes of brilliance in between long stretches of cheerful incompetence.."
Mad men. The complete first season
"Mad Men is a joy to watch - the clothes, the clocks, the furniture, it's like a mid-century night's dream. But this is no mere period piece. It's a smart, complex drama that attempts to get through the facades that have always hidden the truth." USA Today
The Amazing Mrs Pritchard
"Written and created by Sally Wainwright after her disillusionment over the last British elections, “Mrs. Pritchard” evokes a 1970s pop feminism that doesn’t come around much anymore — a Helen Reddy-“9 to 5”-“A woman needs a man like a fish needs a-bicycle” kind of feminism that feels as distant and goofy to us now as the “Mad Men” era of sexism it fought to depose." New York Times
The Lost Room
"A very complex metaphysical mystery, the enjoyment of which comes, in no small part, from the surprises that spill out as it slowly unfurls." New York Daily News
Merry Christmas
TOP Music CDs new to Lake Macquarie Library this month
"There's no doubting the man's chops. Battle Studies is a real study in craftsmanship and understated guitar ninja-dom, and musos will thrill to Mayer's deconstruction of Robert Johnson's "Crossroads." But the solemnity is suffocating."
Bible belt -- Diane Birch POPULAR
"Bible Belt percolates an earthy warmth with songs trimmed in the familiar tones of old Wurlitzers, buttery New Orleans bass lines, twangy guitars, and a soulfully inviting voice that pulls from Laura Nyro’s penchant for putting a womanly groove into a melancholy tune."
Full circle -- Creed POPULAR
"Creed's first album since 2001 ... Despite half a decade apart, Creed still has that deep understanding of each other’s ability to be able to explore their full range of old."
The circle -- Bon Jovi POPULAR
The fall -- Norah Jones JAZZ
Post comments to this post if you have your own reviews.
Lake Macquarie Historical Place Names and Meanings
Amersham -- Cardiff
Anderson's Hill -- Belmont
Arcadia Vale : 'ideal rustic paradise' -- Arcadia Vale
Argenton: 'Argent is French for silver and ton short for town' -- Argenton
Awaba Park -- Booragul
Awaba Park Estate -- Marmong Point
Awaba Park Estate -- Teralba
Badge -- Dora Creek
Bailey's Lagoon ( c.1878) -- Morisset Park
Balcolyn : amalgam of the Scottish prefix Bal and the name Colyn -- Balcolyn
Barnsley : Town in the coalmining district of Yorkshire, England -- Barnsley
Barryowen -- Pulbah Island
Belmont Farm -- Belmont
Belmont: possibly from Belmont in the Shetland Islands -- Belmont
Bennetts Green -- Windale
'Big Hill' (also known as 'Billy Goat Hill') -- Teralba
Big Redhead -- Redhead
Black Adams Flat -- Swansea
Black Neds Bay -- Swansea
Blackalls colliery -- Fassifern
Blackalls Park: Tom Blackall, a Newcastle Dentist -- Blackalls Park
Blackfellow's Track -- Nords Wharf
Black's Colliery (1886-) -- Cockle Creek
Blacksmiths: Blacksmiths Shop that used to be situated on the channel -- Blacksmiths
Bluff, The -- Morisset Park
Bonnells Bay: Bonnell Family -- Bonnells Bay
Boolaroo Estate -- Boolaroo
Boolaroo Township -- Boolaroo
Borehole Colliery -- Cockle Creek
Boyce's Point -- Fennell Bay
Bramcote -- Barnsley
Brightwaters Estate (Brightwaters No. 1) -- Brightwaters
Brightwaters No. 2 -- Brightwaters
Brooks Estate -- Arcadia Vale
Brush Creek (Edgeworth) -- Speers Point
Brush Creek (Edgeworth) -- West Wallsend
Bulba -- Pulbah Island
Bulgonia -- Brightwaters
Burwood Estate -- Kahibah
Buttaba Hills -- Arcadia Vale
Camley Estate (c.1937) -- Pelican Flat
Cardiff Point -- Belmont
Cardiff: after Cardiff in Wales -- Cardiff
Charles' Pit -- Charlestown
Coalbrook -- Cardiff
Cocked Hat Creek -- Edgeworth
Cockle (or Sandy) Creek -- Barnsley
Coon Island -- Swansea
Coorumbung -- Cooranbong
Corumbong -- Cooranbong
Cowper, Village of (1875-) -- Catherine Hill Bay
Croudace Street, Edgeworth -- Edgeworth
Deega property -- Killingworth
Depot -- Blacksmiths
Dorah -- Dora Creek
Doree Private Village (subdivision) (1891-) -- Dora Creek
Dorri Brook -- Dora Creek
Ebenezer Estate -- Fennell Bay
Edden Park -- Pulbah Island
Estelville -- Holmesville
Evelien -- Cardiff
Five Islands -- Boolaroo
Five Islands -- Teralba
Flaggy Creek -- Barnsley
Flaggy Creek -- Kahibah
Fletcher Street, Edgeworth -- Edgeworth
Floraville: 'Latin word for flower' -- Floraville
Fresh Water Creek -- Teralba
Freshwater Creek -- Redhead
Galgabba Point -- Swansea
Garden Suburb: 'from the garden city movement' -- Garden Suburb
Gateshead: 'county of Durham, near Newcastle-on-Tyne' -- Gateshead
Glen Mitchell -- Teralba
Glendale: 'valley between hills' -- Glendale
Glenrock -- Whitebridge
Glenrock Lagoon -- Kahibah
Golden Mile -- West Wallsend
Gorrick's Point -- Sunshine
Gravel Pits -- Teralba
Green Point -- Valentine
Gully Line -- Charlestown
Gully Pit, The -- Charlestown
Halton (Thomas H.) Park -- Valentine
Hampton -- Argenton
Hampton Estate (c.1841) -- Argenton
Hansons Bay -- Sunshine
Hansons Bluff -- Sunshine
Hartley Point -- Valentine
Hawkins Masonic Village (1972-) -- Edgeworth
Highgate -- Barnsley
Hillsborough: After Dr. John James Hill of Lambton -- Hillsborough
Hole, The -- Wyee
Holy Flat -- Holmesville
Jonestown -- Cardiff
Kahibah -- Blacksmiths
Kendall Grange ( c.1878) -- Morisset Park
Killingworth in England and one in Connecticut, U.S.A. -- Killingworth
Kinnard Estate subdivision -- Kotara South
Kirkdale -- Arcadia Vale
Kuringbong -- Cooranbong
'Lake Macquarie' railway station -- Fassifern
Lewers Estate -- Belmont
Little Lake ( c.1878) -- Morisset Park
Lochend -- Speers Point
Lorne -- Fassifern
Lorne (subdivision) -- Fennell Bay
Lymington -- Cardiff
Lymington -- Warners Bay
Manering Creek -- Dora Creek
Mannering Creek -- Wyee
Marksville -- Belmont
Mawson -- Caves Beach
Middle Camp (c.1910) -- Catherine Hill Bay
Millers Wharf (c.1876) -- Cockle Creek
Mine Camp (c.1890) -- Catherine Hill Bay
Mirraview -- Mirrabooka
Monkey Town -- Teralba
Moreton Bay Gardens -- Charlestown
Morisset Park - See Morisset. -- Morisset Park
Morisset township (1887-) -- Morisset
Morisset: Morisset, James Thomas (Lieut-colonel, Commandant of Newcastle) ( c.1818) -- Morisset
Mosey's Beach -- Nords Wharf
Muddy Lake -- Dora Creek
Narrows -- Wangi Wangi
Nekinda -- Dora Creek
Nellinda -- Dora Creek
Newport -- Dora Creek
Newstan (1950-) -- Fassifern
Old House Road -- Tingira Heights
Oldstan -- Fassifern
Osborn Estate -- Arcadia Vale
Parbury Estate -- Caves Beach
Pelican Flat: 'after the many pelicans which used to be seen there' -- Pelican Flat
Plains Beach -- Caves Beach
Plains, The -- Caves Beach
Plains, The -- Caves Beach
Point Wollstonecroft was called 'Little Wangi' -- Wangi Wangi
Quigley Estate -- Booragul
Quigley Estate -- Teralba
Ramsgate -- Wyee
Raspberry Gully -- Charlestown
Rathmines: 'after the Hely Family's home-town near Dublin, Ireland' -- Rathmines
Redhead: 'derived from the reddish coloration of the headland' -- Redhead
Reids Mistake -- Swansea
Reid's Mistake -- Coal Point
Saltwater Creek -- Rathmines
Sandy (or Burke's) Creek -- Barnsley
Scrubby Creek -- Mount Hutton
Scrubby Creek -- Windale
Shaggy Point -- Belmont
Shingle Splitters Point -- Balcolyn
Snake Creek -- Tingira Heights
South Beach -- Nords Wharf
South Pacific colliery c.1926 -- Fassifern
South Waratah -- Charlestown
Speers Point: 'named after William Speer' -- Speers Point
Spoon Rocks -- Caves Beach
Stoney Creek -- Blackalls Park
Stoney Pinch (ridge) -- Hillsborough
Styles Point -- Rathmines
Sugar Bay -- Brightwaters
Sunderland -- Blackalls Park
Sunshine Estate -- Sunshine
Sunshine Extended -- Sunshine
Surprise Town -- Windale
Surprise Township -- Windale
Swansea: changed from Pelican Flat to Swansea (1887) -- Swansea
Teralba: 'place where edible bush grows' -- Teralba
Teralba: Tirelbah 'three white things' -- Teralba
Teralba: Trialba -- Barnsley
Terzeny Park -- Blackalls Park
Thomas H. Halton Park -- Valentine
Thriftdale Estate -- Mount Hutton
Tickhole Tunnel -- Cardiff
Tingira Heights: 'open sea' -- Tingira Heights
Tingira: name of a sailing ship -- Tingira Heights
Tingira: name of an aboriginal tribe -- Tingira Heights
Toronto: In honour of Edward Hanlan, world champion sculler, who came from Toronto in Canada -- Toronto
Turnbull Street, Edgeworth -- Edgeworth
Ulinga (Cardiff South Post Office) -- Cardiff
Valentine Estate -- Valentine
Village of Scarborough -- Bonnells Bay
Violet Town -- Tingira Heights
Violet Township -- Tingira Heights
Wangi Wangi: water, night owl or dark green tree -- Wangi Wangi
Warners Bay: named after Jonathan Warner -- Warners Bay
West Wallsend Extended -- Killingworth
West Wallsend: after Wallsend on the River Tyne, Northumberland, United Kingdom -- West Wallsend
Whitebridge: said to have received this name when the bridge over the Belmont railway line was painted white -- Whitebridge
Windale: named after an early settler Vere James Winn -- Windale
Winding Creek -- Cardiff
Wonde Wonde -- Wangi Wangi
Woods Point ( c.1878) -- Morisset Park
Wyee Creek -- Wyee
'Wyee' railway station (1887-8) -- Fassifern
Wyee: 'place of bushfires' -- Wyee
Wyee: 'Whyee' in early days -- Wyee
Yarrawonga Park -- Balcolyn
Young Wallsend -- Edgeworth
Young Wallsend subdivision -- Edgeworth
Index of Lake Macquarie Historical people
Abbott (Mr) c.1931 -- Belmont
Abell, E. (Mr) c.1887 -- Speers Point
Adam, Thomas (settler) -- Eleebana
Adams, Charles (Bullock Driver) (convict) c.1828 -- Belmont
Agar Brothers (ferrymasters) -- Cockle Creek
Ah Hee (Chinese gardener) c.1876 -- Catherine Hill Bay
Anderson, A c.1891 -- West Wallsend
Anderson, John (Landowner) c.1864 -- Belmont
Andrew Jennings (landowner) c.1905 -- Gateshead
Armitage family c.1946 -- Gateshead
Armitage, James (settler) c.1860 -- Cooranbong
Aspinall, Mary (Governess) c.1873 -- Belmont
Austin (Mr) c.1931 -- Belmont
Baddeley, J. M. (Wartime Minister for Mines) -- Awaba
Bailey, Bert c.1902 -- Morisset Park
Bailey, Walter (landowner) c.1865 -- Dudley
Bain (Reverend) c.1874 -- Belmont
Baker, W. (Mr) (Bandmaster) c.1901 -- Catherine Hill Bay
Barry, Michael (Shepherd) c.1828 -- Belmont
Bennett, John (Landowner) c.1891 -- Windale
Bentley, Frances (Mrs) ( c.1972) -- Swansea
Bergin, James (Shopkeeper) -- Teralba
Bertram, Johannes Jacob (Landowner) c.1892 -- Windale
Birch, Joseph (settler) c.1880 -- Edgeworth
Black Adam -- Swansea
Black Ned, Margaret (his wife), Ellen and William Henry (their children) ( c.1871) -- Swansea
Black, John (landowner) c.1882 -- Cockle Creek
Blackall, Tom (Landowner) -- Blackalls Park
Blackall, W (Landowner) -- Blackalls Park
Blackford family (settlers) -- Cooranbong
Blair, H. (Boat Builder) c.1890 -- Toronto
Blakeley, R c.1891 -- West Wallsend
Bliss (Settler) c.1900 -- Boolaroo
Blumer A. (boat repairer) c.1944 -- Marmong Point
Bonarius, J. C. (Landowner) c.1889 -- Tingira Heights
Bonarius, J. C. (Landowner) c.1880 -- Barnsley
Bonarius, J.C. (Chairman) c.1887 -- Edgeworth
Bond, Harry (businessman) c.1946 -- Marmong Point
Bonnell, James Charles (farmer) c.1861 -- Mandalong
Bonnell, William F. (Landowner) c.1878 -- Morisset Park
Booth family (settler) c.1870 -- Mandalong
Bormett, John (possibly Bormell) (postmaster) c.1866 -- Cooranbong
Boughton, J.H. (Landowner) (c.1833) -- Swansea
Boult, Charles Albert (Postmaster) c.1874 -- Catherine Hill Bay
Boyd, Captain Thomas (Boatbuilder) ( c.1880) -- Swansea
Boyd, J.L. (Boatbuilder) -- Swansea
Brady, James (policeman, landowner) c.1888 -- Marmong Point
Braye, T. A. (Solicitor) c.1927 -- Booragul
Briggs (Orchardist) -- Cardiff
Briggs (Settler) c.1900 -- Boolaroo
Brokman family (settlers) c.1887 -- Gateshead
Brooks, Thomas (Landowner) c.1884 -- Bonnells Bay
Brooks, Thomas (Landowner) c.1878 -- Arcadia Vale
Brooks, William (Landowner) c.1828 -- Speers Point
Brooks, William (Landowner) c.1839 -- Boolaroo
Brown, A (Landowner) -- Barnsley
Brown, Charles Arthur (Diocesan Registrar) c.1955 -- Booragul
Browne family (store owners) c.1903 -- Holmesville
Browne, W.C. (Landowner) -- Morisset Park
Buckley Family (Settlers) c.1890 -- Toronto
Bucknell, William (landowner) c.1888 -- Killingworth
Bums family (settlers) c.1887 -- Gateshead
Bundock, F.P. (Landowner) -- Swansea
Bundock, F.P. (Mr) (Landowner) c.1864 -- Caves Beach
Bundock, Frances Penelope (Landowner) c.1867 -- Caves Beach
Bundock, Marianne Frances (Landowner) c.1867 -- Caves Beach
Cain, Dan (Bullock Driver) -- Caves Beach
Cains family (settlers) c.1895 -- Gateshead
Caldwell, (Mr) (Storekeeper) c.1876 -- Catherine Hill Bay
Camley, George (Landowner) -- Pelican Flat
Campbell, Patrick Fredrick (landowner) c.1851 -- Cooranbong
Campbell, W c.1891 -- West Wallsend
Cant family (mine owners) -- Dudley
Cape family -- Mandalong
Captain Dangar c.1826 -- Wangi Wangi
Captain Hannell ( c.1888) -- Swansea
Captain Peterson ( c.1888) -- Swansea
Carmichael, John (railway worker) c.1884 -- Cockle Creek
Carrol, Moses (convict Overseer) c.1833 -- Cooranbong
Carroll, Moses (overseer) c.1828 -- Cooranbong
Carroll, Moses (police superintendant) c.1835 -- Cooranbong
Carroll, Peter (settler) c.1878 -- Mandalong
Carter, (Mr) (market gardener) c.1841 -- Dora Creek
Cartwright, Ben (settler) c.1880 -- Edgeworth
Case, A. (Mr) (postmaster) c.1892 -- Cockle Creek
Casey, John (orchardist) c.1911 -- Marmong Point
Casey, Sidney (landowner) c.1851 -- Gateshead
Cattell, William (settler) c.1880 -- Edgeworth
Chaney, Frederick (Settler) (c.1860) -- Swansea
Chapman, E. C. G. (Landowner) -- Blackalls Park
Cheech, E (Mr) (Government Botanist) c.1930 -- Pulbah Island
Cherry (Orchardist) -- Cardiff
Cherry, Duncan (Landowner) c.1865 -- Barnsley
Cherry, John (landowner) c.1876 -- Garden Suburb
Chester, Thomas (Cook) (convict) c.1828 -- Belmont
Chinese Settlers ( c.1850's) -- Swansea
Christensen, Jim c.1940 -- Arcadia Vale
Clinton, Blanche (Postmistress) c.1888 -- West Wallsend
Clouten, George (Fisherman) c.1874 -- Belmont
Cobbin, Matthew (Landowner) c.1863 -- Belmont
Colgan, Charles (Settler) c.1917 -- Windale
Colgan, Lillian (Settler) c.1917 -- Windale
Cooper, Oliver (Mr) (Mineworker) b.1882- -- Catherine Hill Bay
Corfield, Edward (Landowner) -- Whitebridge
Cory, Edward Gostwyck c.1829 -- Wangi Wangi
Coventry (Settler) c.1900 -- Boolaroo
Cowlishaw, T c.1904 -- Redhead
Crandace, Thomas (Landowner) c.1869 -- Valentine
Creeces family (settlers) c.1895 -- Gateshead
Cressey (Settler) c.1900 -- Boolaroo
Crocker, William (Landowner) -- Windale
Croft, F.R. (landowner) c.1900 -- Fassifern
Croudace Family (Landowner) -- Valentine
Croudace, Frank (Mine Manager) c.1892 -- Redhead
Croudace, Frank (Mine Manager) c.1896 -- Whitebridge
Croudace, S (Mr) (Shire President) c.1906 -- Teralba
Croudace, Thomas (Mine Manager) c.1892 -- Redhead
Crouin, Jeremiah (c.1861) -- Cooranbong
Cullen (Mr) c.1931 -- Belmont
Cumming, David (Landowner) c.1871 -- Belmont
Currey , William, VC (Private) c.1918 -- Dudley
Daines, Henry (settler) c.1880 -- Edgeworth
Dale Family (Settlers) c.1890 -- Toronto
Danks, Samuel (Police Officer) c.1886 -- Teralba
Date family (businessmen) -- Gateshead
David Miller (Mine Manager) c.1902 -- Teralba
Deaves family (settlers) -- Cooranbong
Deer, Louis (School Teacher) c.1890 -- Toronto
Denham (Settler) c.1900 -- Boolaroo
Denny, Henry (Settler) c.1840's -- Swansea
Desreaux, John (Lake Macquarie Shire President 1916 - 1917) -- Teralba
Dillon family (piggery owners) -- Hillsborough
Dobell, Sir William (Artist) -- Rathmines
Dobell, Sir William (Artist) c.1945 -- Wangi Wangi
Dobson (Reverend) c.1874 -- Belmont
Docker, Ernest Brougham (landowner) c.1882 -- Fennell Bay
Donaldson (Mr) (Settler) -- Blackalls Park
Donaldson, E.A. (landowner) c. 1879 -- Fassifern
Donaldson, J.R. (landowner) c. 1879 -- Fassifern
Donaldson, W. (landowner) c. 1879 -- Fassifern
Donnelly, J c.1891 -- West Wallsend
Douglass, John (storeowner) c.1866 -- Dora Creek
Douglass, John (teacher) c.1870 -- Dora Creek
Durrington, Thomas (settler) c.1878 -- Mandalong
Duthie (Mr) (Postmaster) c.1891 -- Cardiff
Dwyer, Michael (Carpenter) (convict) c.1828 -- Belmont
Dyall, L.K. (Professor) ( c.1972) -- Swansea
Dyer, Robert (Bus Driver) c.1900's -- Windale
Ebbick (Settler) c.1900 -- Boolaroo
Eckford, Henry (Station master) c.1888 -- Morisset
Edwards, James (Landowner) c.1868 -- Cardiff
Edwards, John (Landowner) c.1889 -- Cardiff
Edwards, Margaret (Landowner) c.1901 -- Cardiff
Emanuel (Mr) (Member, Urban Area Committee) c.1951 -- Cardiff
Fairfax, James (Sir) (Landowner) c.1886 -- Boolaroo
Felton, Harry (Settler) -- Arcadia Vale
Fennell, Richard (Farmer) c.1851 -- Toronto
Fennell, Richard (Landowner) c.1870 -- Coal Point
Fennell, Richard (settler) c.1847 -- Fennell Bay
Fennell, Richard (settler) c.1847 -- Fennell Bay
Field Family (Settler) -- Awaba
Finlay (Mr) c.1900 -- Boolaroo
Fitzsimmon family (settlers) c.1896 -- Gateshead
Fleming, M c.1891 -- West Wallsend
Forbes, Bill (Boatbuilder) -- Swansea
Forbes, Phil (Boatbuilder) -- Swansea
Fordham (Mr) (Chairman, Urban Area Committee) c.1951 -- Cardiff
Forster, William (Dairy Farmer) c.1850's -- Wyee
Forsyth (Mr) (Settler) -- Blackalls Park
Freeman, James (Stockman) c.1860 -- Wyee
Frend, Eric (Builder) c.1950 -- Windale
Frith (Settler) c.1900 -- Boolaroo
Frith, T (Mr) c.1898 -- Boolaroo
Froorne, George (builder) c.1884 -- Cockle Creek
Frost (Mr) (Pioneer) -- Morisset
Frost, Eliza (farmer) c.1864 -- Mandalong
Frost, Joseph (farmer) c.1864 -- Mandalong
Frost, Joseph (Landowner) c.1835 -- Wyee
Fuller family c.1870 -- Dora Creek
G. Blumer (boat repairer) c.1944 -- Marmong Point
Game, Sir Philip (Governor of NSW) c.1930 -- Pulbah Island
Gardiner, Archibald c.1884 -- Warners Bay
Gibson (Orchardist) -- Cardiff
Gibson, John (Landowner) -- Windale
Gilbert (Settler) c.1900 -- Boolaroo
Gill, Alexander (Settler) c.1917 -- Windale
Gill, Elsie (Settler) c.1917 -- Windale
Gillespie W.T. (Mr) (Mineworker) c.1889 -- Catherine Hill Bay
Goetly, Patrick (Butcher) c.1890 -- Toronto
Goodman family c.1870 -- Dora Creek
Goodsir, John (Landowner) c.1882 -- Rathmines
Goodwin, Bernie (Bus Service Operator) c.1955 -- Brightwaters
Gordon, John (Mail Contractor) -- Swansea
Gordon, Thomas (Shopkeeper) -- Teralba
Gore, Lillian (Mrs) (Postmistress) c.1950's -- Windale
Gore, William (Settler) c.1920 -- Windale
Gorrick, Ivy Isabel c.1902 d.1932 -- Morisset Park
Gorrick, J.A. (Solicitor) -- Morisset Park
Gorrick, Joseph (Landowner) -- Sunshine
Grant, Sid (Headmaster) c.1953 -- Windale
Gray, J. L. c.1891 -- West Wallsend
Gray, Thomas (Landowner) c.1875 -- Barnsley
Griffiths, Isaac (settler) c.1880 -- Edgeworth
Guest Family (Settler) -- Arcadia Vale
Hall, Mervyn (Mr) (school principal) c.1963 -- Hillsborough
Halloran, H. F. c.1920 -- Rathmines
Halloran, H.F. -- Eleebana
Halloran, Henry F (Landowner) -- Brightwaters
Halloran, Henry F (Landowner) c.1916 -- Valentine
Halloran, Henry F c.1922 -- Arcadia Vale
Halloran, Henry F. (landowner) c.1918 -- Eleebana
Hamlin, David (Landowner) c.1891 -- Windale
Hannell, E. (captain) -- Dora Creek
Hanson (Mr) (Pioneer) -- Morisset
Hanson family (settlers) -- Mirrabooka
Hanson, Thomas (Landowner) -- Sunshine
Harden, William c.1891 -- West Wallsend
Hargraves, E. H. (Landowner) -- Wyee
Harris (Mr) c.1870 -- Pulbah Island
Harris, Clarence (settler) c.1890 -- Edgeworth
Hawkins (Settler) c.1900 -- Boolaroo
Hawkins, Albert -- Wangi Wangi
Hawkins, Albert c.1914 -- Boolaroo
Hawkins, Albert c.1972 -- Edgeworth
Hawkins, G (Mr) -- Arcadia Vale
Hawkins, George c.1896 -- Boolaroo
Heery (Mr) c.1931 -- Belmont
Hely (Mr) (Pioneer) -- Morisset
Hely Family -- Arcadia Vale
Hely family c.1870 -- Dora Creek
Hely, E. W. (Landowner) c.1882 -- Rathmines
Hely, Edward Norton (Settler) c.1840 -- Rathmines
Hely, Frederick Augustus (landowner) c.1833 -- Cooranbong
Henderson, A c.1891 -- West Wallsend
Henderson, George (Landowner) -- Nords Wharf
Hendry, Q. (Overseer) c.1890 -- Toronto
Henry Marks (landowner) c.1885 -- Floraville
Henry, George (Landowner) c.1888 -- West Wallsend
Hepplewhite, Richard (settler) c.1888 -- Marmong Point
Hewitt, J. E. (Wing Commander) c.1939 -- Rathmines
Hilder J.J. (artist) -- Dora Creek
Hill, Dr. John James (Landowner) c.1876 -- Windale
Hill, J.J. (Dr) (Lambton mayor, Colliery medical officer & landholder) -- Hillsborough
Hill, John James (Dr) (landowner) c.1875 -- Hillsborough
Hill, John James (Landowner) c.1875 -- Mount Hutton
Hinton Family (Settlers) c.1890 -- Toronto
Hobson (Mr) (Member, Urban Area Committee) c.1951 -- Cardiff
Hodges, John (Publican) c.1890 -- Teralba
Holdsworth, N. T. (Boat Proprietor) c.1890 -- Toronto
Hollis, Charlie (businesman) c.1954 -- Marks Point
Holmes, Joseph (settler) c.1895 -- Holmesville
Honson, Peter (Landowner) c.1862 -- Cardiff
Hook(e), W. (Postmaster) c.1890 -- Toronto
Hopkins (Orchardist) -- Cardiff
Horn Family (Settlers) c.1890 -- Toronto
Howell (Settler) c.1900 -- Boolaroo
Hughes, J c.1891 -- West Wallsend
Inglis, T. (Mr) (orchardist) -- Gateshead
Israel, D. A. c.1916 -- Wangi Wangi
J. Bassett (Mineworker) c.1904 -- Catherine Hill Bay
Jack, Thomas (Greengrocer) c.1932 -- Windale
Jackson (Orchardist) -- Cardiff
James (Orchardist) -- Cardiff
James , George (Teacher) c.1897 -- Argenton
James, Edward (sheep farmer) c.1841 -- Dora Creek
Jarvie, W (Mr) (Headmaster) c.1890's -- West Wallsend
Jefferies , Clarence, VC (Captain) c.1917 -- Dudley
Jennings, W. (Mr) (orchardist) -- Gateshead
Jewell, John (tanning factory owner) c.1870 -- Jewells
Joe Wescott (Employee) -- Rathmines
John Manning (landowner) c.1837 -- Cooranbong
John Tingcornbe (landowner) c.1830 -- Cooranbong
Johnson (Settler) c.1900 -- Boolaroo
Johnson, David (Landowner) -- Barnsley
Johnson, E. (Mr) c.1914 -- Edgeworth
Johnson, W.W. ( c.1889) -- Swansea
Johnson, W.W. (storekeeper) c.1889 -- Cockle Creek
Johnson, William (Settler) c.1861 -- Barnsley
Johnston, William (Settler) c.1887 -- West Wallsend
Jones, John (Landowner) c.1863 -- Cardiff
Josephson, M.F. (Landowner) (c.1861) -- Swansea
Kearns, A. M. (Baker) -- Teralba
Kelly family (settler) c.1870 -- Mandalong
Kelly, John (farmer) c.1861 -- Mandalong
Kennedy, Thomas (settler) c.1878 -- Mandalong
King, James c.1861 -- Tingira Heights
Kingscote, A. W. (Mr) (Landowner) -- Awaba
Kirk, Joseph (Landowner) c.1922 -- Arcadia Vale
Kirkaldy, Robert (Landowner) c.1866 -- Belmont
Kirrin family (settlers) -- Gateshead
Laing, William (Landowner) c.1884 -- Bonnells Bay
Lambourne, Barnett (Barney Lambert) (Landowner) c.1862 -- Cardiff
Lancaster, Joseph (Sawmill Manager) c.1874 -- Wyee
Lane, Mary (Landowner) c.1888 -- West Wallsend
Leckie, A c.1891 -- West Wallsend
Leichhardt, Ludwig (Explorer) c.1842 -- Coal Point
Lewers, Robert D c.1918 -- Belmont
Lewis, E c.1891 -- West Wallsend
Lindsay, Alex (landowner) -- Gateshead
Linsley, Harry c.1920 -- Speers Point
Lloyd, G. A. (Landowner) c.1870 -- Belmont
Lockhead, W Kerr (Landowner) c.1863 -- Barnsley
Lockwood Family (Settler) -- Arcadia Vale
Long, Sydney (artist) -- Dora Creek
Longworth (Orchardist) -- Cardiff
Lorey, John (Landowner) c.1862 -- Cardiff
Lowe, James (Settler) c.1895 -- West Wallsend
Lyster (or Leicester) -- Blackalls Park
MacMahon c.1870 -- Toronto
MacNamara Family (Settler) -- Arcadia Vale
Maguire, Patrick (convict labourer) c.1828 -- Cooranbong
Maitland, D. M. (Surveyor) c.1861 -- Belmont
Malone family (settlers) -- Cooranbong
Mann, J. F. (Landowner) -- Rathmines
Manning, J.E. (landowner) c.1837 -- Dora Creek
Manthie, (Mrs.) (shop owner) c.1906 -- Cockle Creek
Marks, Charles (settler) c.1885 -- Marks Point
Marks, H. (Mr) c.1904 -- Catherine Hill Bay
Marks, Henry (settler) c.1875 -- Marks Point
Marks, Maurice (Landowner) c.1861 -- Belmont
Marshall,, Joseph (Landowner) c.1859 -- Brightwaters
Martin, G. H. (Landowner) c.1881 -- Balcolyn
Martin, Sarah (settler) c.1890 -- Martinsville
Martin, William (settler) c.1890 -- Martinsville
Mascord (Mr) (Mineworker) c.1896 -- Catherine Hill Bay
Mather Family (Landowner) -- Sunshine
Mawson, (Mr.) (Businessman) -- Caves Beach
McAuliffe (Mr) (Bus Proprietor) c.1900's -- Windale
McBride (Mr.) (wine bar owner) c.1889 -- Cockle Creek
McInnes (Mr) (Member, Urban Area Committee) c.1951 -- Cardiff
McKar, John (Ploughman) (convict) c.1828 -- Belmont
McKinnon, Alexander (Postmaster) c.1888 -- West Wallsend
McLean (Orchardist) -- Cardiff
McLean, William (settler) c.1880 -- Edgeworth
McMillan, John (railway worker) c.1884 -- Cockle Creek
McNamara, Michael (Landowner) c.1862 -- Cardiff
McNamara, Thomas (Butcher) -- Teralba
McNeil (Mr) (Principal) c.1954 -- Blackalls Park
McNeil, D c.1891 -- West Wallsend
McNicholl (Mr) (poultry farmer) -- Gateshead
Michael Meehan (Porter) c.1887 -- Teralba
Milligan, Joseph (First Station Master) c.1902 -- Teralba
Milroy family (farmers) -- Gateshead
Minter, Alexander Robert (Landowner) c.1869 -- Valentine
Minter, Herb (Builder) c.1950 -- Windale
Minton, John (farmer) c.1841 -- Dora Creek
Miss Coco (Teacher) c.1953 -- Blackalls Park
Mitchell (Dr.) (mine proprietor & landowner) c.1850 -- Kahibah
Mitchell (Settler) c.1900 -- Boolaroo
Mitchell, Dr James (Landowner) c.1842 -- Booragul
Mitchell, James c.1842 -- Teralba
Mitchell, James (Captain & landowner) c.1836 -- Marmong Point
Mitchell, Margaret Scott (dauhter of James, wife of W. Quigley) -1886 -- Marmong Point
Mitchell, Margaret Scott (Landowner) c.1870 -- Booragul
Moloney, John (Secretary, Bulba Trust) -- Pulbah Island
Montefiore, Jacob L. (Early landowner) c.1865 -- Catherine Hill Bay
Montefiore, Jacob L. (Early landowner) c.1865 -- Catherine Hill Bay
Moore, John (Landowner) c.1835 -- Wyee
Moore, Thomas (landowner) c.1834 -- Martinsville
Moore, Thomas (landowner) c.1834 -- Dora Creek
Moran family (settler) c.1870 -- Mandalong
Morgan, Job (Settler) c.1861 -- Barnsley
Morgan, Shadrach (Landowner) c.1862 -- Cardiff
Morisset, E.N.V. (superintendent of police at Bathurst, Maitland and Goulburn, son of James Thomas Morisset) -- Morisset
Morisset, James Thomas (Lieut-colonel, Commandant of Newcastle) -- Morisset
Morley, Thomas (Landowner) c.1862 -- Mount Hutton
Mossman, F. F. (Assistant Postmaster) c.1890 -- Toronto
Moynahan, Cornelius (Shipbuilder) c.1868 -- Belmont
Moynahan, Patrick (Shipbuilder) c.1868 -- Belmont
Mr. Manning (dairy farm) c.1833 -- Cooranbong
Mullard, H.B. (sawmill owner) -- Morisset
Murrell Family (Settler) -- Awaba
Nelson (Mrs.) (picture thetre owner) c.1928 -- Charlestown
Nelson, Oswald (settler) c.1880 -- Edgeworth
Nesbitt, H. F. (Postmaster & Railway Officer in charge) c.1887 -- Teralba
Noble, Thompson (Caretaker) c.1932 - 1938 -- Pulbah Island
Nord, W.J. (Mr) c.1908 -- Catherine Hill Bay
Nord, William (Landowner) -- Nords Wharf
Nord, William (settler) -- Nords Wharf
Norris, James (Marshall's property Manager) -- Brightwaters
Northam, C (Mr) (Principal) c.1954 -- Blackalls Park
Oakes, J c.1891 -- West Wallsend
Odgers (Settler) c.1900 -- Boolaroo
Old Jacky's Tribe c.1828 -- Belmont
O'Leary (Mr) (Pioneer) -- Morisset
O'Leary, Patrick (landowner) c.1870 -- Cooranbong
Oliver, Alexander (overseer) c.1833 -- Cooranbong
Oliver, Alexander (overseer) c.1833 -- Cooranbong
Osborne, Henry (landowner) c.1838 -- Mandalong
Oughton Family (pre 1940) -- Speers Point
Outram, C (Landowner) -- Barnsley
Parbury, Charles -- Catherine Hill Bay
Parbury, Charles (Landowner) -- Swansea
Parbury, Charles (Landowner) c.1864 -- Caves Beach
Parker, James c.1865 -- Redhead
Pascoe family -- Charlestown
Peatie, James (landowner) c.1872 -- Garden Suburb
Peattie (Orchardist) -- Cardiff
Peterson (Captain) -- Blacksmiths
Phillips, Thomas (Landowner) c.1863 -- Cardiff
Pickering family -- Charlestown
Presbury (Mr) (orchardist) -- Gateshead
Price (Mr) (Mineworker) c.1889 -- Catherine Hill Bay
Price family (settlers) -- Hillsborough
Proctor, Micah (Landowner) c.1876 -- Windale
Puddy Family (Settler) -- Awaba
Quigley, Margaret Scott c.1869 -- Teralba
Quigley, William Bell (Landowner) c.1870 -- Booragul
Quigley, William Bell (settler) -1879 -- Marmong Point
Quinn, Michael (Landowner) c.1862 -- Cardiff
Quintral, Samuel (Landowner) c.1862 -- Cardiff
Rainor (Mr) (Member, Urban Area Committee) c.1951 -- Cardiff
Ralston, E (Mr) c.1939 -- Pulbah Island
Ranclaud, Captain James (Landowner) c.1830 -- Booragul
Ranclaud, Captain James St. John (Landowner) c.1830 -- Teralba
Ranclaud, Captain James St. John (Landowner) d.1832 -- Barnsley
Ranclaud, James St. John (Captain & landowner) c.1829 -- Cockle Creek
Ranclaud, James, junior (landowner) c.1837 -- Cockle Creek
Rayfield Family (Settlers) c.1890 -- Toronto
Rees (Settler) c.1900 -- Boolaroo
Rees, J c.1891 -- West Wallsend
Rens, Madame (Landowner) c.1829 -- Booragul
Rhodes, T. D. H. c.1916 -- Speers Point
Richards, H. E. (Mr) c.1931 -- Belmont
Richardson, 'Fisho Jack' -- Cockle Creek
Richardson, 'Fisho Jack' (ferrymaster) -- Cockle Creek
Richardson, 'Fisho Jack' (shopowner & picture show man) -- Holmesville
Richardson, Fisho Jack -- Valentine
Richardson, Jack -- Pulbah Island
Ridley, Gilbert (landowner) c.1874 -- Edgeworth
Ridley, Gilbert (settler) c.1880 -- Edgeworth
Rien, E. J. (Mr & Mrs) (Landowner) c.1908 -- Wyee
Riesbeck (Mr) (Settler) -- Blackalls Park
Roach, F. (Mineworker) c. 1909 -- Catherine Hill Bay
Robertson, Hon. John -- Valentine
Robertson, T c.1891 -- West Wallsend
Robey, R.M. -- Coal Point
Robey, Ralph Mayer (Landowner) c.1844 -- Toronto
Robey, Ralph Mayer (Landowner) c.1844 -- Coal Point
Robinson, John (Landowner) -- Brightwaters
Rodgers (Mr) (Baker) c.1884 -- Teralba
Rodgers, John (settler) c.1880 -- Edgeworth
Rodgers, Joseph (settler) c.1880 -- Edgeworth
Rowe (Orchardist) -- Cardiff
Russell (Mr) (Miner) c.1848 -- Toronto
Russell, Thomas (hotelier) -- Cooranbong
Russell, Thomas (pioneer) c.1860 -- Cooranbong
Ryan (Mr)(Settler) c.1887 -- Speers Point
Ryan family c.1870 -- Dora Creek
Ryan, John (convict) c.1828 -- Belmont
Ryan, Timothy c.1841 -- Dora Creek
Saddington, Robert(Early landowner) c.1865 -- Catherine Hill Bay
Sadleir, R (Settler) -- Speers Point
Sara, Alfred (Settler) -- Balcolyn
Sara, C (Architect) c.1927 -- Booragul
Scott, A.W. (landowner) -- Cockle Creek
Scott, David (landowner) c.1838 -- Cockle Creek
Scully, James (Coach Driver) c.1800's -- Windale
Seidenkamp family (settlers) c.1896 -- Gateshead
Sharp, J (Mr) (Caretaker) c.1929 -- Pulbah Island
Shaw (Settler) c.1900 -- Boolaroo
Sherlock, Joseph (storekeeper) c.1841 -- Dora Creek
Shute, S. (School Teacher) c.1890 -- Toronto
Silk, James (Stockman) (convict) c.1828 -- Belmont
Simpson, Edward Percy (Landowner) c.1869 -- Valentine
Simpson, Percy & family (settlers) c.1826 -- Cooranbong
Simpson, Percy (landowner) c.1838 -- Dora Creek
Simpson, Percy (Lieutenant & landowner) c.1826 -- Cooranbong
Sister Virgilius (Superintendent) c.1959 -- Windale
Smith, (Mr) (market gardener) c.1841 -- Dora Creek
Smith, Charles Kingsford (Sir) (aviator) c.1927 -- Cockle Creek
Smith, Elizabeth (Housemaid) (convict) c.1828 -- Belmont
Smith, Joshua (Artist) -- Rathmines
Smith, T. (Mr) c.1914 -- Edgeworth
Snedden, J c.1891 -- West Wallsend
Snedden, R c.1891 -- West Wallsend
Sneddon, A.G. (Assistant) c.1887 -- Teralba
Sneddon, Andrew (Mine Proprietor) c.1902 -- Teralba
Solling, Carl F. (Mr) (settler) c.1852 -- Mandalong
Speer, William (Landowner) c.1870 -- Speers Point
Steel (Mr) (Settler) -- Blackalls Park
Steel, Les (Boat-builder) -- Speers Point
Stenhouse (Mr) (Temporary Shire President) c.1906 -- Teralba
Stenhouse, J (First President Lake Macquarie Shire Council) c.1906 -- West Wallsend
Stinson, James (settler) c.1927 -- Mirrabooka
Stokes, Charles Frederick (Landowner) c.1881 -- Balcolyn
Stollard, E. (Mr) (Mineworker) c.1889 -- Catherine Hill Bay
Stone, Vincent (Landowner) -- Cardiff
Sulman, Sir John (Town Planner) c.1921 -- Booragul
Swan, J c.1891 -- West Wallsend
Sweetland, Charles (Landowner) c.1884 -- Bonnells Bay
T.G. Alcock -- Dudley
Taaffe , John Jnr (Landowner) -- Swansea
Taaffe, John (Settler) c.1853 -- Swansea
Talbot, Robert (Hotelier) c.1876 -- Catherine Hill Bay
Talbot, Robert F (Postmaster) (c.1879) -- Swansea
Talbot, Robert F (Storekeeper) (c.1887) -- Swansea
Tarrant, John Job c.1913 -- Windale
Taylor, Edward (Landowner) -- Rathmines
Taylor, George (convict labourer) c.1828 -- Cooranbong
Taylor, George (school master) c.1878 -- Mandalong
Taylor, John (Mr) (landowner) c.1875 -- Mandalong
Tenant, Arthur (Builder) c.1950 -- Windale
Thomas, D (Mr) (Settler) -- Argenton
Thompson, George (stationmaster & postmaster) c.1889 -- Cockle Creek
Thompson, George (stationmaster & postmaster) c.1889 -- Cockle Creek
Thompson, Thomas James (Landowner) c.1900 -- Boolaroo
Thorogood, Philip (convict labourer) c.1828 -- Cooranbong
Threlkeld -- Swansea
Threlkeld (Reverand) c.1829 -- Toronto
Threlkeld (Reverand) ( c.1842) -- Swansea
Threlkeld, (Rev.) c.1829 -- Coal Point
Threlkeld, Rev. L (Missionary) c.1825 -- Belmont
Tobin family (settler) c.1870 -- Mandalong
Trevillion, (Mr) (Hotelier) c.1876 -- Catherine Hill Bay
Turner Brothers -- Teralba
Ulm, Charles (aviator) c.1927 -- Cockle Creek
Ure, D. M. (Mr) c.1949 -- Windale
Verge, T (Surveyor) c.1880 -- Barnsley
Verge, W.T. (Mr) (town planner) c.1877 -- Gateshead
Verge, W.T. (surveyor) c. 1876 -- Gateshead
Vogan, (Mr) c.1841 -- Dora Creek
Wakefield (Mr) c.1874 -- Wyee
Walker family -- Mandalong
Walker, James (landowner) c.1837 -- Cockle Creek
Walker, Thomas (landowner) c.1838 -- Mandalong
Walker, Thomas (Landowner) c.1839 -- Wyee
Walker, W.D. (policeman, landowner) c.1888 -- Marmong Point
Walter Bailey (banana farmer) -- Dudley
Wardley (Settler) c.1900 -- Boolaroo
Warner, Jonathan (Settler) c.1829 -- Warners Bay
Warners family (settlers) c.1897 -- Gateshead
Watkins, Davey (State M.P) c.1895 -- Boolaroo
Watt, J.B. (settler) -- Eleebana
Webster (Orchardist) -- Cardiff
Wellard Family (Settler) -- Awaba
Weller, George (Landowner) c.1838 -- Argenton
Weller, Joseph -- Glendale
Weller, Joseph (Landowner) c.1833 -- Cardiff
Welling (Mr) (Pioneer) -- Morisset
West (Mr) (farmer) -- Gateshead
Whiting c.1870 -- Toronto
Whittell, Henry R. (Businessman) c.1844 -- Coal Point
Wilkinson, D c.1891 -- West Wallsend
Wilkinson, Harry (Teacher) -- Teralba
Wilkinson, Harry (teacher) c.1884 -- Cockle Creek
Wilkinson, R c.1891 -- West Wallsend
Wilkinson, T c.1891 -- West Wallsend
William Brooks (landowner) -- Cockle Creek
Williams (Mr) (Secretary, Urban Area Committee) c.1951 -- Cardiff
Williams, Thomas (Landowner) c.1889 -- Mount Hutton
Williams, Thomas (Publican) c.1888 -- Teralba
Williamson, A. (Mr) c.1914 -- Edgeworth
Williamson, Thomas (Landowner) c.1866 -- Belmont
Williamson, Thomas (Settler) c.1864 -- Belmont
Wilson Family (Settler) -- Balcolyn
Wilson, Thomas (Landowner) c.1922 -- Mount Hutton
Winn, Emily Ada b.1870 d.1953 -- Windale
Winn, Vere James (Landowner) b.1876 d.1944 -- Windale
Wood (Miss) (Landowner) c.1908 -- Wyee
Woods, Henry (Postal Assistant) c.1889 -- West Wallsend
Woods, Millicent (Postmistress) c.1889 -- West Wallsend
Woodward, Bill (Boatbuilder) -- Swansea
Worley family (hoteliers) -- Dora Creek
Worley, Henry (builder) c.1835 -- Cooranbong
Worley, Henry (sheep farmer & police constable) c.1841 -- Dora Creek
Worley, James (Landowner) -- Swansea
Wright, Harry (Mr) -- Charlestown
Yorston, G.L. (settler) -- Eleebana
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