In 2009 we will continue to offer a wide range of resources, programs and activities aimed at informing and entertaining.
What to look forward to:
Childrens story times aimed at Babies (Books and Babies), Pre-PreSchoolers (Rhythm and Rhyme) and Pre-Schoolers (Storytime).
Internet Services and Technology assistance (Book-A-Librarian).
Major displays, including
- New Technologies
- Our Environment - wonders and dangers
- Sport - celebrating sporting moments
- Library Week - the smartest card in your wallet is your Library Card
- Treasures - our my favourite things
- Children Book Week winners
- Wildlife - celbrating the variety of life
- Travel - other worlds to explore
Other displays for all ages and interests will include:
Humphrey Bogart; Egyptology; The Titanic; Social Diversity; Seniors Week; Fairies; Harry Potter; WW II and D-Day; Escape in a book; Bob Dylan; Tutankhamun; Life-Long Education; Animals; Wizardology; How things work; Volunteers; and The Golden Compass. PHEW!!!
So there is plenty to look forward to next time you visit Belmont Library. Come and join the fun.